Social Media

Recycle your content

Don't duplicate work.  Send blog posts to your social media accounts and import social media posts into your website.

If you are already active on social media you may want to either post from your website to one or more of your social media accounts or pull posts from them into your web site.

Save time by creating promotional posts for all the social media platforms you cover in one go.

Tame the beast that social media media can become!


Social Media – Pull or Push?

If your existing social media accounts have an existing active following, you may want to demonstrate this on your web site by pulling posts from those accounts into your web site.

Equally if you are new to social media you may want to push news articles from your web site’s blog up to your social media accounts.

You may even decide to do both.

The technical aspects involve access to your account and the creation of API Keys, which we cover in our Collaboration document.  This document is related to the marketing aspects, risks and benefits.

SSL Security Management

In order to hook up your social media accounts with your web site, your web site will need an SSL certificate.  Many hosts offer free SSL using Let’s Encrypt.  If not then you may have to purchase an SSL certificate from them.

Cross Platform Identity

If you have multiple accounts, it is a good idea to make them look as though they are related using your logo and familiar images.   This is where your Business Branding comes into play.  You may also want to consider a social media aggregator such as Hootsuite.  Free for up to 3 social media accounts, HootSuite lets you schedule content across your accounts.

Social Media Marketing

If you have the time to post to social media accounts, then you are well placed to use them as a marketing tool.   Customer testimonials, flash sales, product launches, competitions, industry news and new developments within your business are all things which your followers are likely to share.

There can be a downside to this however if you find people posting negative comments on your accounts.  It is important that you actively police your social media accounts for bad publicity.

Social Media Proof & Reputation Management

Personal recommendations, reviews and endorsements from satisfied customers are a powerful selling tool.  With 3rd party review platforms however it can also be a double-edged sword, with competitors or disgruntled customers leaving bad reviews on sites like TrustPilot or Google Reviews.  Grab Your Reviews is a paid platform where you can manage customer reviews from a number of different sources and add reviews to your web site.  You might also want to look at Mention which, as the name suggests, activley listens by monitoring social media and other sites for where your brand is mentioned.