Site Maintenance

Essential for website security

The work does not stop when your website is finally built and launched.  For security reasons you will need it to stay up to date.

We advise monitoring sites for changes that might indicate something has gone wrong, and for changes that need to be done.

Even if you set the theme, plugins and Wordpress to update automatically, if anything breaks your site, including those updates, you should be the first to know.

Who is Responsible for your Site Maintenance?

You can easily maintain your web site yourself.  It requires a little time and discipline but we can install plugins which alert you to changes on your site that require your attention.  You can back up your site from within WordPress or by logging on to your web site’s CPanel.

We recommend backing up your site before making changes to it.

If you would like us to monitor, backup and update your site for you then we can do that for a monthly or annual fee under one of our Care Plans.

What our Site Maintenance Care Plan Covers

Monitoring your site for security issues and update alerts created by installed plugins.

Backing up your site on an agreed schedule; updating the site plugins and themes.

Uploading those backups to your remote backup account.

What it Does Not Cover

Recovery from hacking*.  We recommend you invest in Wordfence Pro, Sucuri Firewall, iThemes Internet Security or similar software to protect your site in the first place.  The first two include site repair if you do get hacked.

The cost of remote storage such as Dropbox, Amazon or Google Drive (15GB) beyond their free limits.

Search Engine Optimisation.

Content Management

*We do our best to keep your site secure and install updates when they become available but there are many factors that can lead to a site being hacked including backdoors or vulnerabilities within the hosting environment; vulnerabilities that are exploited before the theme or plugin is updated; themes or plugins which become abandoned.

Peace of Mind Concierge Costs

The cost is based on the time required to manage your site.  This is determined by the number of plugins, the theme and traffic to the site.  An online shop will require more maintenance than a brochure site.


As part of the Maintenance Plan you can opt to be sent a monthly report detailing the backups, updates and other changes to your site.